Adam Krupnick - Stolen Books: Recovering Our Family's Legacy

Online Veranstaltung am 07.12.2022, 19:00 CET

Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 - 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 20:00 Israel / 19:00 CET


Die Fachbereichsbibliothek und das Institut für Judaistik freuen sich, auf diese Veranstaltung des Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (Cincinnati, OH) hinzuweisen.

Die Forschungen zur Geschichte der jüdischen Buchhandlung Belf am Rabensteig 3 in 1010 Wien nahmen ihren Ausgang von einem Restitutionsakt vonseiten der Universitätsbibliothek Wien.


Link zur Registrierung: 

Fall Library Series - Event Registration - Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (


The Belf family ran a book store and publishing company in the late 19th and early 20th century until the Nazi invasion. From a mainstay of the Viennese Jewish community - supplying books for holiday rites, history, liturgy, and children's literature, the story of the Belf family echoes the experience of so many other Jewish proprietors and entrepreneurs during the war. In this session, Adam Krupnick, the spouse of a Belf family member, will discuss his remarkable experience researching the Belf family and recovering looted items from the Belf book store, as well as the great work he has accomplished during his collaboration with Monika Schreiber at the University of Vienna Jewish Studies Library.